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Welcome KOREA Dealers Join|歡迎經銷商加入
Hello, this is VIPER. Our company sign up the Korean dealer agreement with ATHENEARMS since May,2018. We supply products in Korea and variety of viper parts and finished products. All of above can purchase at ATHENEARMS.

Viper Tech in IWA, 2018
Viper Tech has keep working for the international stage, and we`re so glad that IWA in Germany is our first step. Please pay us a visit at #208, Hall 7 from March 9 ~ 12, and experience the quality of Viper Tech gas blowback rifle!for the IWA booth map, please check this link for further information: IWA Floor Plan

Happy Chinese New Year 2018|祝您 2018 農曆新年快樂
Happy Chinese New Year 2018,Due to Chinese New Year Holiday 2018, we will be closed from 15th Feb. till 20th Feb..We are sorry for any inconvenience caused to you and will be back on 21th Feb.Best regard,VIPER TECH祝您 2018 農曆新年快樂,2018 農曆新年春節假期,我們會從二月一十五日休假到二月二十日,期間造成任何不便敬請諸位包涵,我們將於二月二十一日再度回到工作崗位為您服務。毒蛇科技誠摯地致上敬意。