GFPA`11 With Magazines Suggestion

After several internal testing and verifying on GFPA `11, it`s proven that overall performance could be stabler when using gas magazines without valve lock on it.
This modification is not a must, to keep valve lock on is fine as well, neither does it mean there is a flaw in the design of GFPA `11.
Users can make the decision at his/her free will.

GFPA`11 彈匣使用建議

經 毒蛇科技 廠內反覆驗證,使用 GFPA `11 系統時,若將瓦斯彈夾上面的延氣片(氣閥鎖)卸除,整體表現上會相對較為穩定。
但此修改並非必須,若不拆除延氣片依然可以正常使用無虞,也不代表 GFPA `11 設計上有瑕疵,端由使用者自由取捨。